Every year, you hear about people who have trouble with their artificial Christmas trees. These troubles may range from broken branches, a broken base, to it overloading their electrical outlets and causing a fire. With this being said, before the Christmas holiday gets here and you start decorating, we have some important safety tips that you will want to remember!

Artificial Christmas Trees: Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Holidays!

1. Do not overload your tree with lights. When you purchase artificial Christmas trees that are not prelit, then you do have the option of placing your own lights onto these trees. The key is that you do not want to overload the plugins and light strands that you are using. You will find that with each string of light that you buy, there are recommendations as to how many light strings can be put onto each other. Listen to this advice and go with it.

2. Make sure that your base is secure, and this also means paying attention to the floor. If the floor is uneven, this is going to increase the chances of your tree falling over and breaking.

3. Be careful of where you place this tree. If you are near curtains or other materials, lights can become overheated and catch these curtains on fire. This is why you should only leave the lights turned on when you are home and can monitor these.

4. To avoid broken ornaments, be sure that you are hanging these where they are the safest. Super heavy ornaments need to be hung further back on the tree limb to ensure that they do not fall. The last thing that you want to happen is for an ornament to break, sending glass all over the floor in which you will probably find when you step on it.

With these safety tips, you can save yourself a lot of headaches and pain later!